Elderberry — Edible Acres (2024)

Sambucus (canadensis and nigra)
Elderberry is a very exciting plant for us. It puts on some of the most stunning growth in a good year. Quite possibly the fastest growing plant we have. We've seen 8-10 feet of growth in a season, after pruning the plants back thoroughly at the end of winter. They offer incredible habitat, food, medicine, nutrients and shelter for birds, bees and others. Their profuse, flat, shallow flowers make for a perfect nectar source for wide range of pollinators and beneficial insects. They can form potent visual barriers, nutrient absorption plantings and can handle periodic flooding and high water tables that challenge most other plants. Oh yeah, and they make massive amounts of fruit that is medicine! The market and interest in Elderberry products seems to be growing rapidly, so this plant can also make a valuable addition to a young farms business plans.
They are also one of the easiest plants to propagate, simply taking a pruned branch and pushing it into soft soil (ideally in the fall but works just fine in spring, too), they will root and grow into copies of the original plant. Scroll to bottom for a video showing how simply it can be done!

We're offering a few named cultivars as rooted plants as well as low cost cuttings you can propagate yourself. We encourage you to research each type to get more detail, but here is a snippet of what each type is about:

'Marge' - American and European hybrid elderberry (fruits on 2nd year wood). Incredibly vigorous, fast growing, has large, sweet and very medicinal fruits. Considered a self-fertile type from our research. This is a very reasonable core variety to establish in a landscape for reliable, large and sweet fruit early in the season.

'Ranch' - American type with a compact habit getting to about 6' or so for easy picking. Incredibly productive on 1st year wood. Unique foliage and dense habitat makes this a unique type for sure.

'York' - Standard excellent producer, gets large and needs friends for best pollination.

'Scotia' - Beast of a grower to 12' and makes large, excellent quality fruit considered one of the more sweet and large fruits.

‘Johns’ - Nice standard production type. We find it to be quite vigorous and interested in suckering/spreading which can be a very positive attribute if you want your elders to fill out more space.

‘Edible Acres Select’ - This is a slightly lower price option and lets us pick from our wide array of named cultivars and seedlings to pick you a nice looking elder. We have some varieties we lost tags on and some seedlings that have no ‘name’ to begin with but are all absolutely amazing.

'Champion' - Edible Acres discovered seedling that produces robust growth with nice sized to very large sized fruit on some 1st year shoots but primarily 2nd year shoots. Most likely is a child of Scotia mixed with some other varieties in our mix.

'Bidie' - Edible Acres select seedling that is mid/late season ripening with large, wide heads of small but incredibly numerous fruits. Seems to be an absolute favorite with our feathered garden visiting friends, hence the name. Has promise as an excellent wildlife supporting variety. Most likely York and other parents in the mix.

The cuttings bundle we offer will have an assortment of 10 ready to root cuttings of a mix of the following varieties... We will source from Scotia, Wyldewood, Johns, York, Marge, Ranch, and quality wild select elderberry types we have on site. You can request specific cuttings or we will bundle a mix based on what we have available, with at least 3 varieties represented for excellent production and pollination in your garden! We send you cuttings of the same or higher quality than what we use for our nursery. Named/Tagged varieties available upon request. Otherwise we’ll provide you a healthy ‘medley’ that will group pollinate quite well (generally labeled ‘Elder Mix’). Cuttings are at least 4” long with a growth bud at top ready to sprout, but generally longer. Scroll down to see a video showing just how easy this process can be!

If you are looking for specific types of elder in cuttings form, we offer that as well. 10+ cuttings packs of specific varieties are available. Please be aware that planting out just one variety may result in limited fruit set.

Looking to get going with a small elder orchard sooner than later? Look at our super cuttings bundle. For $50 we’ll send you at least 30 (closer to 40 :) cuttings of a wide mix of our best varieties. Properly cared for this option can become a serious elderberry orchard in just a few years! Again, we are happy to label each type upon request, or by default will offer a genetically diverse and healthy mixed population (without individual labels)

‘Grade B’ cutting packs can be super economical ways to get things happening on a limited budget. Absolutely viable and alive but perhaps a little on the thinner side, maybe bent, maybe a ding or two, these cuttings are $1 a piece but we almost always pile in a bunch more. Save money, give a scrawny cutting a chance and ramp up lovely numbers!

We also have European Elderberry cuttings available in packs. We work with ‘Samdal’, ‘Samyl’ and ‘Alesso’ and an order of European Elder cuttings will get you some pollinating capable mix of the three.

Different varieties have different sizes. In general you can expect plants to reach between 6' and 12'. Ranch is shortest and Scotia is biggest based on our experience. All varieties are manageable with pruning.

Site Preference:
Seems to like a lot of sun, but can do well in the partial shade as well. Will enjoy richness in soil and ideally a moist position. Pond and stream edges in rich muck are their happiest place! We’ve also found that so far Elderberries can live under our Black Walnut trees and still seem to thrive and be happy.

Zone 4, perhaps even zone 3

Elderberry — Edible Acres (2024)


How much do elderberries make per acre? ›

The demand for elderberry products is skyrocketing, but there aren't enough commercial growers. Alan Helland is the manager of River Hills Harvest in Hartsburg, Missouri. He says in 2018, contracting farmers made on average about eight-thousand-dollars-per-acre.

What is the difference between elderberry and sambucus elderberry? ›

Elderberry Basic Facts

American elderberry ( Sambucus canadensis) is more shrub-like and can grow up to 8 to 10 feet high, while European black elder ( Sambucus nigra) has the makings of a small tree and will reach 20 feet. It is well adapted to a wide range of habitats.

What is the difference between red elderberry and common elderberry? ›

The pith is soft and spongy on both species, but common elderberry has white pith, while red-berried elder is tan to brown in color. Common elderberries have white pith. Finally, there are the flowers and, eventually, the fruit to help determine which plant you are looking at. Timing is the giveaway for this one.

How much room does elderberry need? ›

Planting Tips

Plant elderberries 6-8 feet apart in rows 10 feet apart. Plant 2 inches deeper than grown in the nursery. Water the plant thoroughly. No fertilizers should be applied in the first year.

How much is a pound of elderberries worth? ›

Regular price $24.99

Elderberries must be cooked or steeped in hot water. Rehydrating is recommended before use in baking.

Can you make money growing elderberries? ›

I sell them locally for $10 a pound. Evidently that is low but I'm happy, they are happy and it all works out. Many people buy them from me to make the cold and flu meds and can turn around and sell that for more. Elderberry syrup mixed with local honey and herbs goes for about $15 for 4 ounces.

What not to mix with elderberry? ›

Because elderberry may stimulate the immune system, it could interfere with medications taken to suppress the immune system. These medications include corticosteroids (prednisone) and medications used to treat autoimmune diseases. People with organ transplants should also avoid elderberry.

What is the most potent form of elderberry? ›

The best elderberry supplements are made from an extract of the fruit of the European black elderberry, also known as Sambucus nigra. European Black Elderberry is proven to strengthen your immune defense, especially during times when threats are high.

How long to cook elderberries to remove toxins? ›

To neutralize toxins, specifically cyanide-inducing glycosides, heat treatment is a must. Boiling elderberries for at least 30 minutes is the go-to method. This ensures the destruction of harmful compounds. Steaming or baking can also do the trick, as long as the berries reach a high enough temperature.

What plant is mistaken for elderberry? ›

Hemlock is in the same family as wild fennel, parsley, parsnip and carrot. They can all look a bit like elderberry when in bloom. It's important to check leaves and stems! Fennel has yellow flowers, fronds instead of leaves, and smells strongly of licorice.

Which elderberry tastes best? ›

Bob Gordon is one of the best for flavour and high brix (sweetness). It ranked as the heaviest producer in trials at the university of Missouri.

Which elderberry produces the most fruit? ›

York. This cultivar of American elderberry is reported to have the largest clusters of berries and yield. Additionally it is great for hardiness zones 3-9 and can grow up to 12 feet tall.

Can you grow elderberry in a 5 gallon bucket? ›


To grow an elderberry bush in a pot you need a final container size of at least 20 gallons.

What to plant near elderberry? ›

White pine trees or quaking aspen are good elderberry companion plants, if you want something taller than the shrubs. For a plant about the same size, consider winterberry. Remember that elderberries do not like their roots disturbed once they are established.

Do field mice eat elderberry bushes? ›

Elderberry supports a variety of wildlife. Song birds, such as Wrentit* and Thrashers, are fond of the berries; the shrub provides nesting habitat for birds such as the Orange-crowned Warbler and Least Bell's Vireo. Rabbits; ground squirrels, mice and rats eat the fruit and bark. Deer preferentially browse the foliage.

How much profit does elderberry make? ›

They found that elderberry yields from a 1,000-foot, multispecies hedgerow could provide $2,700 to $4,800 in revenue, after harvest and de-stemming costs, in only the second year after hedgerow planting.

How much can you sell elderberries for? ›

Sell fresh picked, de-stemmed & frozen pails, and/or dried elderberries wholesale into the supply chain: $1-3/lb.

What is the value of elderberries? ›

One cup (145 grams) of fresh berries contain 106 calories, 26.7 grams of carbs, and less than 1 gram each of fat and protein ( 3 ). Plus, they have many nutritional benefits. Elderberries are: High in vitamin C. There are 52 mg of vitamin C per cup of fruit, which accounts for 57% of the daily value ( 3 , 4).

How long do elderberries take to grow? ›

If you want to grow elderberries for their fruits, plant at least two different varieties that are known to bear safe, edible berries. Keep the plants no more than 60 feet apart. Berries may take two to three years to appear. Look for varieties such as 'John's,' 'Adams,' 'Nova' or 'York,' which are all good producers.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.