60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (2025)

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'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; } if(filters['sort-by'] === 'rising-6-months') { games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; games_list += '

'; } games_list += '

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Filters applied

' + '

✕ Playstation 5

' + '

Reset filters

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' + '✕ ' + filter_value.name + '' + '

'; filters_applied_count++; }); $.each(filters['platforms'], function(filter_index, filter_value) { filters_applied += '

' + '✕ ' + filter_value.name + '' + '

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Filters applied

' + '

' + filters_applied + '

' + '

Reset filters

'); } else { $('.filters-applied').html('

Filters applied

' + '


' + '

Reset filters

'); } } getGames(); }); $('.filter-tags').on('input', function (event) { filter_tags_by = $(this).val(); if(filter_tags_by === '') { $('.clear-filter-tags').hide(); $('.show-more:not(.not-visible)').show(); $('.show-less:not(.not-visible)').show(); } else { $('.clear-filter-tags').show(); $('.show-more:not(.not-visible)').hide(); $('.show-less:not(.not-visible)').hide(); } filterTags(); }); $(document).on('click', '.clear-filter-tags', function() { $('.filter-tags').val(''); filter_tags_by = ''; $('.clear-filter-tags').hide(); $('.show-more:not(.not-visible)').show(); $('.show-less:not(.not-visible)').show(); filterTags(); }); var rangeSlider = wRunner({ roots: document.querySelector('.release-date-slider'), type: 'range', step: 1, limits : { minLimit: 2000, maxLimit: new Date().getFullYear() }, singleValue: 100 }); rangeSlider.setRangeValue({ minValue: 2000, maxValue: new Date().getFullYear(), selected: 100 }); function delay(callback, ms) { var timer = 0; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } rangeSlider.onValueUpdate(delay(function (event) { filters['release-date'] = { 'start': event.minValue, 'end': event.maxValue }; getGames(); }, 750)); });

Filter 1 games

Filters applied

✕ Playstation 5

✕ 60fps

Reset filters


Visuals and Viewpoint

Themes and Moods



Release Date



Popularity Critic Ratings User Ratings Rising 3 Months Rising 6 Months Upcoming

60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (6)

Sonic Frontiers

November 8, 2022

60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (7)60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (8)60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (9)60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (10)60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (11)60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (12)

Steam, Ninja, Open World, Fishing, Adventure

User Rating: 70 | 24 User Ratings


60fps Games: Most popular Playstation 5 Games List (2025)
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Article information

Author: Ray Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 6293

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.